Windows 10 gadget pack
Windows 10 gadget pack

It might be that you just need to update something, probably IE or whatever 8GadgetPack uses to actually run gadgets. For me, in Win10 and with 8GadgetPack, gadget scales OK. I'm not quite sure what to do with this, the whole issue is related to various IE incompatibilities. There are several issues though, not the least being the quality of the background image.

windows 10 gadget pack

I'll see what can be done over the weekend. Network meter gadget is set to 150% to achieve same size as the other 3 gadgets mentioned, not sure why it is not also 250% Top process monitor, System monitor II and Ping monitor is set to 250% within the settings of the gadgets themselves.

windows 10 gadget pack

Does not seem to matter if I choose 100%, 125%, 150% or 175%, gadget is still cut off.Įxcept for my windows scaling size of 175%, I also do seperate sizes for my other gadgets to achieve a comfortable, readable size within the 4k resolution: It is set to 175% which is a comfortable size for me.

Windows 10 gadget pack